
Nancy- Dental Assistant II (DAII)
I’m a native of Greensboro and have one son. I received my dental assisting degree from Alamance Community College and am certified and experienced in expanded dental-assisting functions.
Most of my dental career has been in general dentistry, but I’ve also assisted in perio and oral surgery, and in implant placement. I have a lot of years of experience as a dental assistant!
My primary job is to assist Dr. Booth during dental procedures and perform expanded functions, but I also help out wherever I’m needed in the office.
What I love most about my job is working with the different dental patients and helping them achieve their goals.
The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given:
“Save your money.
Cats or dogs?
Your favorite word in the English language:
The most inspiring part of your job:
When we all work as a team to help our patients.
Favorite quote or phrase:
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”
Favorite dessert:
What’s the one thing you would like for people to know about dentistry?
Dental assistants care about helping others, and they love seeing patients!