
Tammy- Dental Assistant II (DAII)
I’ve been a dental assistant for many years and have worked in all different fields of dentistry—endo, ortho, oral surgery, pedo.
I was chairside trained when I began my assisting career and went on to receive my X-ray certification through Wake Forest University. I also received my certifications for Coronal Polishing, Nitrous Oxide, and OSHA.
In addition to assisting Dr. Booth, you’ll see me at the front desk doing everything from ordering supplies to calling patients. And I handle all of our ZOOM whitening cases.
What I love most about my job is that things are never the same everyday—there’s always something different. And I really enjoy helping people and making their smiles brighter!
The best piece of advice you’ve ever been given:
“Try not to take anything personally; no one thinks about you as much as you do.”
Cats or dogs?
Your favorite word in the English language:
Nirvana—the state of perfect happiness!
The most inspiring part of your job:
Helping make someone happy with a beautiful smile.
Favorite quote or phrase:
“Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we’re in hot water!”
Favorite dessert:
Watergate salad
The most daring thing you’ve ever done:
Buy a house.
What’s the one thing you would like for people to know about dentistry?
Dental problems do not fix themselves; they only get bigger. Fix them when they’re small—before they become large.